New Years Resolutions. We all make ’em. We all forget ’em.

Once the fireworks are over, the party hats are removed, the mascara has run down completely off your eyeballs, and the empty alcohol bottles have been pushed aside to make room for a Berocca and a serve of hot chips, something happens. Something that we can’t see but is there.

Time suddenly feels…well… endless.

The whole year stretches out in front of you. All of those days, weeks, and months are just ahead of you, waiting for you to fill them with as much as you can possibly cram in.

All of a sudden anything seems possible, and its like you have aaaaaaaall the time in the world to make it so, right??

So, once you have downed a glass or two of your “hair of the dog” hangover cure, you sit and take stock of the year that has been. The joys, the regrets, those last few drinks that you probably shouldn’t have had the night before. And you think about the year ahead. That full long wide open year.

You decide then and there to make resolutions for the year ahead, the year when you KNOW that anything will be possible. Resolutions that will make this next year ROCK (but probably resolutions that you kind of suspect that you may not keep based on you not actually keeping ANY in the years that led up to this soon-to-be-amazing year).

And this year you SWEAR to yourself that you actually WILL keep those resolutions. You will stick to them like glue. Because this year you will be a sticker. Not a heart or star shaped sticker. Not a good old scratch and sniff kind of sticker (though I can’t promise that particular scenario won’t happen in 2016. It probably will).

No sir. This year you will decide you want to do or achieve something and actually STICK to it. You will be the person who doesn’t give up, who pushes through and…oh my god this already sounds exhausting. I need a lie down.

But when you do this… when you make this list, then you must remember that there are some resolutions that should be made and some that CERTAINLY should be kept for your own health and mental wellbeing. Resolutions to soothe the soul and to give you a case of the happy’s.

And who doesn’t want the happy’s???

**Insert crickets and tumbleweeds here thank you**

Resolution 1: Get fit and healthy

This is one that everyone tends to make and forget super quickly, however it is actually one of the most important resolutions that you should make an effort to keep! Getting fit and healthy is so important for your physical and mental wellbeing. When you are fit and healthy you feel better, you move better, your happier coz your crammed to the brim with endorphins, you look better, and you will live longer!

Plus, if you live longer you have more time to make and break future New Years Resolutions!


Now, don’t fall into the trap of aiming too high too quickly. If you decide you want to climb Mt Everest by February, maybe tone it down a notch and go climb Hanging Rock a few thousand times first. Or…start by going to the gym twice a week.

Otherwise once you get to Mt Everest, you may find yourself crying 10 metres up the mountain coz your legs hurt already and your boots are ruining your pedicure, thus causing you to give up completely and heading straight to the nearest pub to get completely schnockered and therefore never achieving your goal at all.

Start small, and build up. And keep at it!

Resolution 2: Be thankful

Take the time every day to think about something in your life that you are thankful for.

Really focus on it and think about why it makes you happy, and what is so damn wonderful about it. Relish it the way that I just relished a delicious bowl of vanilla ice-cream though I ate way too much of and so feel a little sick now.

Be thankful for how lucky you are. How many things you have done, how many things you have seen and for how many people who love you. Or…at least don’t hate you…

Be thankful for the fact that you have a roof over your head, food on the table, and legs (hopefully) that are strong enough to carry you where you want to go.

Appreciate all that you have and thank your lucky stars that you will soon be fit and healthy enough to enjoy it. See what I did there??

Resolution 3: Laugh more

Who doesn’t want or need to laugh more? Search for the things that make you chuckle. Get rid of the things that make you sad. Laugh, damn you, laugh!

According to Let’s Laugh Australia, laughter is clinically proven to boost the immune system, reduce the risk of heart disease, decrease stress, reduce blood pressure, and to act as a mild antidepressant (read more about the benefits of laughter here). Plus, its stupendously fun and a right royal belly laugh can turn the dreariest of days into one gigantic hoot.

So spend time with people who make you giggle. Watch a hilarious movie. Go and see a comedian. Scour the internet for jokes (most are so bad which makes them so good). Read a fabulous blog post from mummalifelovebaby…

Do whatever you can to laugh, because laughter is proven to be the best medicine!

Resolution 4: Love more

Love. Love is just the bee’s knee’s. There is nothing more special and all encompassing in this world than love. Give out what you want to get back.

Take the time to do something special for those around you that you love. Order a bunch of flowers for your wife (cough, cough… husband that one’s specifically for you so take note), organise a romantic night where you give your loved one a massage (errrrrm, thats for you dear husband too wink wink nudge nudge), or just make an effort to say the words more. I love you. Because no matter how loudly or often you think it, people won’t know unless you tell them. And there is no better feeling than that of knowing you are loved.

And finally, because the more that you love and appreciate people, they more they will love and appreciate you.

Resolution 5: Find your happy

Search for that little thing in life that makes you happy. And when you find it, do it all of the time.

Sing in the shower. Do a crazy dance in your kitchen with your kids. Make a delicious dinner for your family, or more importantly make your husband do it and then feed you. Put your feet up and drink a big glass of red wine. Take your bra off. Spend time with friends and family who give you a serious case of the giggles. Drive to the beach and watch the waves crash. Go for a walk. Read your favourite books. Listen to your favourite music. Read a mummalifelovebaby post (wink wink again).

The possibilities are endless.

But do it. Take time to find your happy.

And do it all year long.




What New Years Resolutions did you make this year? Tell me about it below, as I would love to hear from you!! 

Studies from the University of mummalifelovebaby (MLLBU) show that people who subscribe to the mummalifelovebaby website are more hilarious and attractive than most other people. Since you don’t want to be either weird looking or as boring as a blade of grass, then you had better sign up now!  xxxxx