Thinking of becoming a parent, but not sure if you are made of “the right stuff” to do it? Well, take our 3 Minute Parenting Quiz here and find out!!

The 3 Minute Parenting Quiz. Can You Do It?

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Parenting is a tough bloody job. You think you have got it nailed one week, and by the next week the little critters have changed the game completely on you!!

Yes, parenting can be the hardest gig of your life. But you know as well as I do, that you wouldn’t change it for the world. Well…you wouldn’t change much… other than to make your kids listen to you, do what you want exactly when you want them to do it, and to be perfect, kind and polite little angels at all times. Yes, ALL TIMES.

What a dream, right?

And as parents, you spend your entire parenting life questioning yourself. Are you doing the right thing. Have you made the right choices for your little ones that day. Are you loving them enough. You question everything, and it never ends. Even when you do know enough to keep those little critters alive and to keep their little hands out of the toilet or the dogs bowl, you continue to question your ability as a parent.

But there is one thing that you need to remember. At all times please.

You need to remember that no matter how you chose to parent, that you are doing a wonderful job.

You love, you care, and you dream big for your children. You protect them with every inch of your body and soul and you will do anything for them. They are thriving, they are growing, they are healthy and they are happy. They know they are loved and protected. You did that. You.

You may not always know the right things to say or do, but you are the very best there is.

You may not be perfect, but you are perfect for your children.

Some might say that you are perfect in your imperfections. And you are.

Don’t ever forget it.



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PLUS – Studies from the University of mummalifelovebaby (MLLBU) show that people who subscribe to the mummalifelovebaby website are more hilarious and attractive than most other people. Since you don’t want to be either weird-looking or as boring as a blade of grass, then you had better sign up now!  xxxxx