Two Months in. Who even am I? Who are you? What’s happening?

Life with a baby … Fark me, its exhaustingly glorious. And call me crazy (hello crazy!), but babies are WAAAAYYYYY easier than living with a toddler tyrant.


No really, I feel so happy now that this “girl babe” (as my son refers to her) is out of my body and no longer sucking away my very life force from inside me. She is a veritable happy little ball of sunshine now that she is in the outside world. And it’s wonderful. Sigh. Love.

Now, you would have read in the diary from her first month of life (read it here), that she smiled pretty much from the minute she arrived (like her brother actually). And let me tell you, that helps SO BLOODY MUCH when you are just-had-a-freaking-baby levels of tired.

But in saying that, I weirdly feel way LESS tired this time around. Why is that? Am I drunk?

Could it be because I was already running at peak exhaustion during my pregnancy, simultaneously growing a wee human whilst chasing my crazy and wild toddler around whatever shopping centre he decided to run away from me in? Probably. Annoyingly true story by the way.

Although I wasn’t really in much pain anymore post C-Section, I was still uncomfortable, but I felt more energised than I expected, and surprisingly I also was not quiiiiiiiiiiitttttte as tired as I expected (although all 3 pictures with me actually in them tell a different story). And I mostly… felt… happy. Compared to when I was pregnant, I felt like a new person, a million percent better.

My little lady was starting to need more awake time, so we had switched her onto a Tizzy Hall routine which had previously worked like a charm for our son.

We fed her at 7am, 11am, 3pm, 6pm and 10pm, and she usually woke twice a night for feeds – around 1am and 4am – until 6 weeks when she thank the frikken frickfully SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT. What a little legend. I still high-five her little baby hands all the time for that.

At her 6 week appointment, the doctor told us that one of her hips was a bit clicky. As soon as I heard this, I had an instant vision of her wearing one of those cute hip braces that make her look like she has spent 4 months riding a horse. However I took her for an ultrasound as recommended and her hips weren’t looking too bad. Shame (but of course not a shame at the same time), coz the brace would have been so cute.

While we were there though, she impressed all present by weeing all over the Sonographers hand, and then spewing all over the examination table. She wanted to be memorable obviously.

Once the Sonographer cleaned up his hand, and I cleaned up my little lady, they recommended that we do a follow-up Ultrasound in another 6 weeks time just to make absolute sure that all as as it should be. Probably mentally ensuring they booked in an overseas holiday around the same time… #CozNoOneLikesToBeWeedOnByAnotherPersonReallyUnlessOfCourseYouAreIntoThatAndThenThatsWeirdGoAway.

When we got the official results from the doctor (where he basically said exactly the same thing that the Sonographer said – word for freaking word), the nurse gave the baby her 6 week vaccinations. The doctor refused to. He gets sad when he makes babies cry I think. Get used to it fella, I make my kids cry all the time. Well, 50% of them anyway – when I wont let them ride the dog like a horse, or lick our back door for more than ten minutes at a time. Oops.

But back to the little lady.

She has started laughing this month. Well, its more of a coo, but you can see she is trying so hard to let out a big old belly laugh, and its freaking adorable. Although, interestingly, she mainly laughs when her brother is getting in trouble. Uh Oh. Lol.

Though in all fairness, he laughs when she cries so I guess the feeling is mutual…

She is also starting to babble and squeal. I mentioned it to my mother – as my son is like literally the loudest and most outgoing person on the planet, but my daughter already seems…somehow…louder if that is even possible. My mother laughed and just said “Welcome to the world of little girls my dear. She will NEVER stop squealing.” Great. Well, luckily I always wanted a loud family. Right?? Right???? RIGHT??????!!! Shit.

The babe has changed quite a bit this month. She still looks like a sweet little babe, however she no longer looks like a brand spankingly new newborn kind of babe. She has put on a bit of chub, and looks more like a little girl human, than a floppy and squishy old man.

She has lost a terrifying amount of hair, which is an incredible feat in itself since she barely had any to begin with, and now sports a HUUUUGGGGEEE bald patch at the back of her head. Which I must add is now so smooth from the lack of hair that is feels like one of those creepy hairless cats. Well, I assume. Because I am sooooo not a cat person. Ugh, cats. Gross.

She is becoming more aware that she has hands (sort of), which is exciting because I really feel that soon she might potentially give me a round of applause for being amazingly hilarious, rather than just shooting me with the same regular blank stare that I get now.

She is starting to bat at her toys around and twist things around with her fingers. She loves nothing more than trying to stuff as much of her hands into her mouth as she can. Or anyone else hands for that matter. The girl ain’t picky.

She (like me) gets over excited at the slightest thing, and when she is in the midst of an Oh-My-God-This-Is-The-Most-Exciting-Thing-Ever moment (you know, like when she sees a blade of grass being all … green… outside) she draws her knees right up into her chest, and then kicks her legs out ninja style with so much energy that I almost need a lay down after watching it.

She is also desperately trying to crawl, her little legs kicking and pushing at the ground behind her during tummy time. She generally face plants though when she is doing this (which fills her with rage) as she hasn’t really worked out that both her front half and her back half can BOTH be moving at the same time. And when she isn’t busy face planting into the floor, she holds her head up with confidence. But then she occasionally head butts me with it.

It’s adorable. And it occasionally (all the time actually) hurts.

It is so wonderful having a baby this time around as I am really enjoying her, and her preciousness. And I am really seeing just how quickly time is flying. It is passing by so fast, and I really can’t wait to see what she is like next month.  <3


Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Two Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby


Do you remember how you were feeling in your child’s early months, or what they were up to? Please leave a comment below about what you remember below, as I love hearing about all things baby <3 xxx