Wowsa! 8 months old, and my hairless wonder baby is basically an adult. Bloody hell.
How is your tiny bald person going these days, you ask. Well friend, let me tell you.

So much has happened in the last month, and yet it feels like nothing at all has happened… #ParentoodAmIRight?!

The wee babe has been sick again this month, for like… the 8 millionth time, can you believe it?? I am actually starting to think that someone being sick in our household is turning into a Never Ending Bloody Story that deserves its own theme song. #TheNeverEndingStoryyyyyyWoahWoahWoahWoahWoahWoah

Yep, the kids have been tag teaming their snot filled antics since the start of Winter. Their favourite game in fact, seems to be connect-yourself-to-one-of-your-family-members-with-a-string-of-your-own-snot. That’s a gross and very true story and it happens all the time. Barf.

But this time instead of considerately taking it in turns, they both got sick at almost exactly the same time, one day apart. The wee baby came down with the major case of the snots first, and the little man followed suit. They both had temperatures and were super sweaty, super clingy and super SUPER needy. It was tough, especially since the wee babe is usually so happy. Seeing her down in the dumps was just…well…dumpy for all of us.

We had a rather tough and totally shitful day where both of the kids were completely feral, and needed to cling to me like at EXACTLY AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE I AM OBVIOUSLY AN OCTOPUS with four million arms. It was the kind of day where I wanted to run into the bathroom and sob on the floor on my own. Not that I could of course.

So I hugged them both instead. Which was actually kind of nice, except for when I started to sweat just by being pressed against their super hot, super feverish bodies. Sweat. Fark.

And then all of a sudden, my daughter’s temperature dropped again and she started to feel better. She was her smiley and giggly self again. Praise Oprah, right?!

And then I noticed something going on in her mouth. Two teeth had literally just popped RIGHT out of her head, and two more were very very VERY close. So looking back I don’t now if the temperature and red-faced baby misery was tooth related (read about how the tooth fairy is a JERK here), or whether both kids DID get sick and the teeth were just a coincidence. Looks like we will never know.

Yes, yes, yes, but what is she DOING, you ask?

Well, in terms of super important life skills, she now throws back her head wildly when I am burping her. Not because she is investigating what is going on in the pillow directly behind her like I once thought, but because she wants me to blow raspberries right in her neck creases so she can laugh like the happy crazy baby that she is. I will oblige every time because the sound of her laughter is absolutely to die for.

She also has developed a cheeky new smile which she practises at every opportunity, which involves scrunching up her sweet little nose and giving us a big toothy grin. It’s the “charm-the-shit-out-of-every-adult-you-come-across” smile that she has now perfected.

The wee babe sits all of the time these days (still with assistance), but now if she is desperate for a toy that is in front of her which she can’t reach from the sitting position, then she will move onto her hands and knees (or…cough…falls out of it more accurately) and will reach out to get the toy she is after. Bloody genius.

She is throwing her arms in the air when you shout hooray! The sweet baby loves a good celebration obviously. And she loves absolutely kicking me in the guts whilst on the change table. I have to dodge her horrifically strong sweet legs every time a nappy needs to be changed. It’s terrifying.

The little lady is a level 5 kicking Ninja.

She hasn’t increased her word count much from last month and is still just babbling Dadda, Mumma, Teddy, and the other day I swear to god she said “Oh Hey!” like she was shocked that I was actually sitting next to her. And the little lass now shakes her head in a “no” with such vigour that I am afraid that it will potentially fly right off her baby shoulders.

Though she says Dadda so much more than anything else, the traitor. And when I try to force her to say Mumma more, she looks me dead in the eye before smirking and saying Dadda again. WTF? Who carried you for 9 months??!!!

The babe went through another jerk leap over the last month, and not to sound like a complete twat, but once it finished (fucking FINALLY) we actually noticed that her level of understanding increased. Now when we say her name she will look at us in response, so she obviously recognises it which is kinda cool!

If we talk about the dog (without swearing at him for stealing food off the table) then she will look for him. And he is SO thrilled that someone FINALLY wants to pay him attention that he will literally try to french kiss her.

*shudders…He eats his own poo, and he just tried to lick her inside her mouth Barf.*

She still loves to practise all of her whacking skills on anyones head who happens to get within range of her wild and whacky hands, and also still loves to pull our hair, grabbing what she can and yanking painfully on it with glee. Ouch.

Now this isn’t a new skill, but she still thinks it’s super funny (except it’s not) to drop whatever it is that she is holding in her hands (usually her bottle or the entire contents of her dinner) onto the floor when she is sitting in her own high chair. She has such a weird sense of humour, must have gotten it from her dad lol.

She always looks me straight in the eye when she drops it too. She is going to be cheeky, that one.

The baby loves getting into her brothers toys these day. I’ll always sit her somewhere and give her a book to chew on, I mean read, and she will roll out of it straight away and toss the book at my head to go and rifle through her brothers toy car collection. And because he is SUCH a good sharer, he will snatch whatever toy car she settles on right out of her hands, which brings her endless rage until he replaces it with another car. Any car. Zee girl isn’t picky lol.

You may remember from previous posts, that the sweet girl loves jumping. She jumps like a gymnast, but insists on bending in half mid jump to see what her feet are doing. It’s like she has almost just discovered that they are connected to the end of her legs and help her stand up. And that they aren’t just chew toys. And she tap dances while she is standing up like an old lady trying to cover up her own fart noises at work. I can hear you Janet. I know your farting lol.

She now waves, by opening and shutting her hands, and spends a good chunk of her day waving in the mirror at her own reflection. It brings her so much joy. She is her own best friend lol.

The sweet baldy still isn’t crawling, but she bunny hopped forward the other day before falling flat on her face, so I know we are getting closer. She has totally mastered the art of pushing herself backwards though, until she gets completely stuck under random bits of furniture of course which makes her cry with baby rage until I come over to rescue her. It always makes me laugh though.

She also now rolls in her cot which she never did before. We used to toss her into her cot every sleep and tuck her blankets in super tight so she could barely move. It was great. She would wake up in exactly the same position that she went to sleep in. Now, she somehow has turned into a magician. We put her into bed on her back with the blankets tucked in, but when we go into her room to wake her up, she is on top of her blankets, face down, without a single blanket disturbed. A neat but wild sleeper obviously.

One final note before I go. The wee babe has taken up a new habit of trying desperately to poke me in the eye, or stick her finger all the way up my nose. Maybe I have an invisible booger that she is trying to pick out for me. Or maybe my giant nostrils are the perfect hiding place for her fingers, but either way I spend our feeding times trying to dodge her inquisitive fingers before I go blind, or am nose impaled on a tiny hand.

But that in a nutshell is where she is at this month.

She is almost 9 months though, so watch out world. Because this 8 month old is getting fiesty and is learning fast. What could she possibly learn next month?

Diary of a Crazy Baby - Eight Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Eight Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Eight Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Eight Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby Diary of a Crazy Baby - Eight Months Old - Image (c) mummalifelovebaby

Have you got a new baby in the house? How old is your baby? What are they up to? Leave a comment below as I would love to hear all about it xxx