I remember the days before my toddler learned to talk. Do you? 

Aaah, the quiet, the peace, the serenity. It was blissful. But it was totally boring.

I was always so desperate to hear him speak, in fact you could say that I longed for it.

Every babble he made, and every time he said something that actually sounded like a true word (whether accident or not), made me crow with glee. Boy oh boy was I proud of every sound.

I dreamt of having conversations with him, where I would teach him all about the big wide world that we live in. Naturally in those dreams, he would soak up everything I said like a little man sponge. And if I really want to be honest, I thought he would totally agree with everything I said, because no-one ever has differing opinions in life right? Right? No? Shit.

One of the very first things that he said, even though he didn’t have any idea what he was saying at the time, was “Carry Broom!”. I still remember it. I was talking to him about how much I needed to clean the house (actually, I totally made that up, I was probably talking to him about The Wiggles or how our doggies farts were destroying the ambiance of our lovely tiny home at the time).

When all of a sudden he looked up at me and shouted it out as loud as his little baby lungs could shout. I stopped talking, looked at him in surprise and laughed until I wee’d a little bit. Proud as punch I was. Though at the same time I was kind of annoyed that his first true (yet accidental) sentence was a demand to conduct domestic duties. Which I hate. #SweepingIsSoBoringAndIAlwaysMissBits

But, it wasn’t real. He had no idea what he was talking about. It was just noises strung together that SOUNDED like Carry Broom. And so I kept waiting, and dreaming of him as a future wordsmith.

However I think I knew in my bones, that once he started talking for real that he would not stop. Like, ever.

And I was right.

Because even now, he talks more than I have the ear power to listen. He has so many words that he shocks the shit out of us all the freaking time.

He is totally imaginative, and makes up the BEST stories which have us roaring with laughter. He tells us he loves us 4 million times a day, and all about how much he needs us, or on the flip side how much he doesn’t want us and only wants his Pa. Of course.

But even though I knew it was coming, I have to say that nothing REALLY could ever have prepared me for just how much he would talk once he started. Or what he would talk about for that matter. Nope, nothing could prepare me for that. #HeLovesTalkingAboutWhatEveryonesScurvyBumIsDoing

Being that he is three years old now, he has become rather inquisitive. Always asking “why?” and wanting to know everything about anything, no matter how recently I have previously given him the answer to the question that he just asked for the one hundredth time.

I am not even kidding, the amount of questions that come out of a three-year old toddler body is astounding. Sometimes I am afraid that my brain is on the verge of spontaneously combusting based on how hard he is making it work.

Even if we quickly hop in the car for a five-minute trip to the shops, I can guarantee that there will be question after question the entire way there, giving me the stress sweats by the time we actually arrive.

Questions like:

Mummy where are we going? We are going to the shops Baby.

Why? Because we need to do the shopping.

Why? Because otherwise we would have nothing to eat.

Why? Because we (and by we, I mean you) ate everything in the fridge and in the cupboard.

But why? Because you are a growing boy and are always hungry…

Mummy are we there yet? Nope.

Why not? Um…because we haven’t gotten to the shops yet, we are still driving.

But why aren’t we there yet? Baby, I am not sure how else to answer this question that I literally just answered.

Mummy what’s that? What’s what, Baby?

That over there! What over where hun?

Over there Mummy! What IS that? Babe I can’t see where you are pointing. I’m sorry.

Mummy it’s a tram track. Where are the trams? Um… They are further up the track dropping off passengers.

Where are they going? Errrrrrm… Maybe to school or to work? I am not really sure Babe.

Why? Because I can’t see them so I don’t know where they are going.

Why? Um. Because I haven’t met them. Sorry.

Mummy are we there yet? No honey we aren’t.

Why aren’t we there yet? (whispers to self) Oh my god.

*prays for 30 seconds of silence, gets two and a half seconds only*

Mumma, what’s that silly girl babe doing? I can’t see your sister hun, so you will have to tell me what she is doing.

Why can’t you see her? Because I don’t have a mirror to see with her hun.

What is she doing? I still have absolutely no idea hun.

Mummy are we there now? No… no wait… yes! Yes we ARE there! Yay!

Can we go home now Mummy? Sigh. No, we have to actually go and do our shopping.

Why? … silence …

Sigh. Enough said I guess.

But even though the questions drive me crazy at times, I absolutely love that my little man talks, and talks so well.

I love the conversations we have, the observations, the made up stories, and the crazily hilarious jokes that he comes out with. My toddler son talking created a stronger sense of connection than we ever had before, and entertains us all day long.

Now, just to get the girl babe talking more.

Actually…fark…imagine how loud life will be when she does?

Did you love it when your toddler started talking? What were some of the funnier things they used to say to you? Leave a comment below as I would love to read all about it! xx