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I don’t want to raise a zombie – little blocks for my little boy

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

Blog note: This product was gifted to mummalifelovebaby So, it has been playing on my mind for sometime now about how we are way too dependant on our gadgets. My husband and I are both so guilty of it, and we are so wrapped up in them that it feels like we barely have time for each other any more. Right now I am tapping on my Mac with one hand whilst searching on my phone for who know’s what with the other hand? And my husband is sitting next to me with his iPad on his lap, his phone next to him and the tv on. And although we are enjoying each others company, we aren’t really talking to each other. And that’s pretty sad when you think about it. (more…)

How I became “that” parent.

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

I came to a realisation the other day. It was as my husband and I were tiptoeing around our new house trying not to wake the baby up from his day sleep. And do you know what my realisation was? It was that I have become THAT parent. Yep, THAT dreaded parent…Oops. (more…)

The Work Trip

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

I went to Sydney for work last week to pitch our new Winter collections to some existing clients. Sounds exciting? Well, it isn’t. Like, not really even a little bit. Travelling is a part of my job that I both love and yet intensely dislike all at the same time. And if you do it too for your job, you will know exactly what I mean. Yes it can be fun, but even short day trips are totally exhausting and hard work. And this trip was no exception. (more…)

Five MORE Books for Babies That I Love

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

Do you remember my previous post about five books for babies that I absolutely love? If you didn’t see it, then make sure you check it out here. Well, after reading those same books again, and again, and again, and again, and AGAIN I realised that I needed a new list. A list full of new books where the words were not already entirely and completely committed imprinted on my brain. Something new and fresh for my eyeballs. Something glorious. (more…)

The Baby I Lost By Choice- Anonymous

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 2 comments

This is a story sent in by one of our lovely readers (who wishes to remain anonymous). In this post, she shares with us the story of one of the hardest times in her life which affected her  for years to come. I hope you enjoy it xx This is the hardest thing I have ever had to write. Because this story is about the baby I lost by choice. (more…)

The Christening: Specticles, Testicles, Wallet and Watch.

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 2 comments

So, it was my little sons Christening last month. And we were super excited about it. We weren’t excited so much about the actual Christening part (and I hope no higher powers decide to lightening bolt my house tonight after saying that), as neither of us are really practising church goers…I guess you could say that we wanted to Christen our son more “just because we should” rather than “Jesus will send locusts into my shower and up my bum crack if I don’t”… (more…)

Five Tips For Helping Your Baby To Sleep Through The Night

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

Getting your baby to sleep can be one of the biggest and most difficult challenges facing new parents once home from the hospital. If you have a tiny (or not so tiny) tot who doesn’t go down easily at bed time, one who wakes repeatedly throughout the night, or one who screams bloody murder the second you even point them in the direction of their cot, then you will know EXACTLY what I am talking about. Torturous little buggers. (more…)

Dear Baby – a letter to my unborn child

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

The funniest thing happened today. I came across a batch of letters that I had written to my unborn baby during my pregnancy! In those letters, I talked about my hopes and dreams for my little one. I talked about how I hoped my labour would be and what I imagined that our life would be like afterwards. Reading over those letters now, almost 9 months after the birth of that same little baby, and they still make me smile. I can feel such hope, excitement and happiness in the words. I can feel that sense of beginning – the feeling that our life was just about to start. (more…)

Our first Christmas

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

Holy Moly I’m excited. My fingers are kinda trembly, and I feel like I could just BURST because I am so excited. And do you know why I am excited? No, you sigh, and please don’t make me guess. Well, because it was our first Christmas as a family with our sweet baby! Raaaaaarrrrr! Hooray! (more…)

The Toy Sale

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

It was early Saturday morning, and it was the day of “The Toy Sale”. My husband and I drove to The Toy Sale completely pumped. We had carb loaded the night before for energy, and had blood pumping music roaring through the car speakers on the way to the event, to put us in the mood for the biggest toy grabbing throw down this side of the Southern Hemisphere. (more…)


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