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Posts tagged “Motherhood”

The Juggling Act That Is Life

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

There is something that I really want to talk to you about. I want to talk to you about the joys of the juggling act that is life. That is, the life of a mother. As a mother, I live each day in a state of perpetual stress trying to do three million or more things at once. You know, things like entertaining the children and keeping them alive, making the dinner, finishing a spreadsheet for work, preventing the dog from completely destroying the children’s new toys, keeping the house from looking like a tornado has run through it, and reminding the husband that he is still loved and appreciated, even if he can’t seem to remember to put the toilet seat down. Gawd that’s annoying. (more…)

The Great Labour Inducers

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

Do you remember that point towards the end of your pregnancy? You know, when you were getting incredibly full of baby, and unable to take a full breath anymore? Do you remember the way that you wanted to meet that little one already with every single part of your being? Well I sure do. (more…)

What I Never Realised About Parenthood

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life / / 2 comments

Parenthood is one of those funny things. Super hilarious in fact. You think you know all there is to know about what it will be like when you become one, based on everything you have seen or heard over the span of your own life so far. Even though you kind of expect it to be “hard”, you have stuffed yourself full of so much confidence by the time you finally fall pregnant, that you strut completely into the role of a new parent like a smug parenty jerk. Pffft. More fool you. (more…)

Super Tasty Pumpkin Seeds – Sugar and Cinnamon

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

So…You may or may not remember, but I recently discovered that I had a deep and intense love for Pumpkin Seeds. Whaaaaaaat? PUMKPIN SEEDS?!!!! Yep. That’s right!! Pumpkin Seeds!! Before that, I hadn’t even realised that these tiny, delicious and nourishing little things existed. I had thoughtlessly tossed seed after seed in the trash for years, without even realising what tasty goodness I was carelessly wasting. You know, hindsight delights in making me aware of how much of a fool I can be. What a jerk hindsight is. (more…)

How I Survived Going Back to Work

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

The time had come. I couldn’t avoid it any longer. I was going back to work. Sigh. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? I yelled, shaking my fist at the sky. Whyyyyyyyyyy must I go back? I mean, I just couldn’t understand why I couldn’t be surrounded by unlimited bucket loads of cash, and become a lady of leisure. It’s a totally reasonable request. (more…)

Mummy Needs A Day Off

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

I don’t know about you, but there are some days when I just want a freaking break. There may not be anything particularly wrong. I might even have been lucky enough to have gotten a full nights sleep the previous night. But some days I just want to stay in bed, pull the covers over my head and to not have to get up for anything or anyone. I just feel a desperate need to be lazy. (more…)

Mothers Group – why you should join one

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

Well, I am just gonna come right out and say it…Mothers Group is brilliant. My mothers groups (yes, I said GROUPS because I am a greedy and have two of them) are shockingly full of the most caring and supportive women ever placed on this planet. I totally hit the jackpot twice. Not a single jerk amongst them *shakes head in wonder*. (more…)

Going Back To Work, And The Pressure Of Time.

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life, Mumma / / 0 comments

I don’t know about you, but my life is flying by in an absolute blur. I remember when I was young, the future seemed hugely infinite – like it would never end. And because I still had aaaaallllll of that glorious time ahead of me, it seemed like anything was possible. And then…well, life happens. We get older, and all of a sudden we get so damn busy just doing…stuff…sometimes, totally meaningless stuff, that we lose track of the life we should be truly living. (more…)

5 things I would love to say to the tooth fairy

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

Well. I am not gonna lie, I really dislike the tooth fairy. Whilst I get that my baby is still only in the teething phase and isn’t actually losing his teeth yet, I blame that wand waving tooth stealer for everything. For the sleepless nights, the constant whingeing, the sleepless nights, the grumpiness, the sleepless nights, the sour-smelling poo’s, and you guessed it, the sleepless nights. (more…)

Dear Baby – a letter to my unborn child

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

The funniest thing happened today. I came across a batch of letters that I had written to my unborn baby during my pregnancy! In those letters, I talked about my hopes and dreams for my little one. I talked about how I hoped my labour would be and what I imagined that our life would be like afterwards. Reading over those letters now, almost 9 months after the birth of that same little baby, and they still make me smile. I can feel such hope, excitement and happiness in the words. I can feel that sense of beginning – the feeling that our life was just about to start. (more…)


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