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Posts tagged “baby”

Mothers Group – why you should join one

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

Well, I am just gonna come right out and say it…Mothers Group is brilliant. My mothers groups (yes, I said GROUPS because I am a greedy and have two of them) are shockingly full of the most caring and supportive women ever placed on this planet. I totally hit the jackpot twice. Not a single jerk amongst them *shakes head in wonder*. (more…)

Going Back To Work, And The Pressure Of Time.

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life, Mumma / / 0 comments

I don’t know about you, but my life is flying by in an absolute blur. I remember when I was young, the future seemed hugely infinite – like it would never end. And because I still had aaaaallllll of that glorious time ahead of me, it seemed like anything was possible. And then…well, life happens. We get older, and all of a sudden we get so damn busy just doing…stuff…sometimes, totally meaningless stuff, that we lose track of the life we should be truly living. (more…)

5 things I would love to say to the tooth fairy

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

Well. I am not gonna lie, I really dislike the tooth fairy. Whilst I get that my baby is still only in the teething phase and isn’t actually losing his teeth yet, I blame that wand waving tooth stealer for everything. For the sleepless nights, the constant whingeing, the sleepless nights, the grumpiness, the sleepless nights, the sour-smelling poo’s, and you guessed it, the sleepless nights. (more…)

Dear Baby – a letter to my unborn child

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

The funniest thing happened today. I came across a batch of letters that I had written to my unborn baby during my pregnancy! In those letters, I talked about my hopes and dreams for my little one. I talked about how I hoped my labour would be and what I imagined that our life would be like afterwards. Reading over those letters now, almost 9 months after the birth of that same little baby, and they still make me smile. I can feel such hope, excitement and happiness in the words. I can feel that sense of beginning – the feeling that our life was just about to start. (more…)

Our first Christmas

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

Holy Moly I’m excited. My fingers are kinda trembly, and I feel like I could just BURST because I am so excited. And do you know why I am excited? No, you sigh, and please don’t make me guess. Well, because it was our first Christmas as a family with our sweet baby! Raaaaaarrrrr! Hooray! (more…)

Our first Family Holiday

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life / / 2 comments

Ahhhh holidays. The excitement, the anticipation, the sense of impending adventure. We went on our first family holiday at the end of October with our then five and a half month old baby boy, and Noosa was our destination. We couldn’t wait to frolic amongst the sunshine, the surf, and be surrounded by the sweet sweet air of anywhere else but here. (more…)

The Toy Sale

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

It was early Saturday morning, and it was the day of “The Toy Sale”. My husband and I drove to The Toy Sale completely pumped. We had carb loaded the night before for energy, and had blood pumping music roaring through the car speakers on the way to the event, to put us in the mood for the biggest toy grabbing throw down this side of the Southern Hemisphere. (more…)

Five Great Books For Babies That We Love

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

I love to read. I read as much as I can whenever I have the time, and love nothing more than losing myself in a really good book. I love being transported to a magical world where anything is possible, and stories that are so thrilling and mind boggling that my heart rate increases and I start to skim the pages, unable to move my eyes fast enough in my desperate rush to find out what happens next. (more…)

Dear Baby, Today I Failed You.

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 2 comments

Dear Baby, Today I failed you. It has been over six months now since you came into my world and lit up my life, however today has been one of the toughest days I have known and I have failed you. I didn’t want to go out this afternoon because I knew you hadn’t slept and I just didn’t want to put you through it. But we went out anyway. You were so sad and you wouldn’t stop crying. You wouldn’t sleep. It’s all so unlike you. We should have gone home and tried to give you comfort somehow. But I failed you. We stayed an extra half an hour thinking you would be fine after a sleep in the car. But you didn’t sleep. And you weren’t fine. And so I failed you. (more…)

The Parenthood Perfection Pressure

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

The Parenthood Perfection Pressure. Yessir, there is a whoooooole lot of pressure to be able to do it all once you have a baby. The pressure for life to carry on just like it was before, and to manage everything with relative ease, whilst dodging vomit explosions like a ninja and to do it all with a smile on your face. (more…)


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