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Posts tagged “lunaticmummy”

5 things I would love to say to the tooth fairy

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 0 comments

Well. I am not gonna lie, I really dislike the tooth fairy. Whilst I get that my baby is still only in the teething phase and isn’t actually losing his teeth yet, I blame that wand waving tooth stealer for everything. For the sleepless nights, the constant whingeing, the sleepless nights, the grumpiness, the sleepless nights, the sour-smelling poo’s, and you guessed it, the sleepless nights. (more…)

Grandma Jean’s Delicious Potato Salad

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Love / / 0 comments

I love a good potato salad. I love how, when it is made perfectly with love, can make you feel so deliciously comforted with every single moreish mouthful. Now, the recipe for this particular salad was inspired by my beautiful late Grandmother Jean, who I remember used to make a version of this salad. She sadly passed away around twelve years ago now, and yet every time I make this yummy scrummy potato salad I am reminded of her. (more…)

Dear Baby – a letter to my unborn child

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog, Mumma / / 2 comments

The funniest thing happened today. I came across a batch of letters that I had written to my unborn baby during my pregnancy! In those letters, I talked about my hopes and dreams for my little one. I talked about how I hoped my labour would be and what I imagined that our life would be like afterwards. Reading over those letters now, almost 9 months after the birth of that same little baby, and they still make me smile. I can feel such hope, excitement and happiness in the words. I can feel that sense of beginning – the feeling that our life was just about to start. (more…)

My Fitness Journey, Week 6- The Why Am I So Angry Week?

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life / / 0 comments

Well, its Week 6 of My Fitness Journey. Can you believe it? Half way through already?!! Woohoo! So, I started a new meal plan a week and a half ago as part of my 6 week Extreme Shredder program. Gawd, clean eating sounded so boring boring boring boring. But I got through the week without too much trouble. And as I mentioned in last weeks post, the recipes the program provided were actually pretty darn delicious!! Thank freaking goodness. Now my goal for THIS week was to reeeeeeally focus on doing it right and doing it without cheating. Like, at all. Not even a little cheating. PUT THAT SNICKERS DOWN GIRLFRIEND! (more…)

My Fitness Journey, Week Five-The Oh My God I’m Exhausted Week

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life / / 2 comments

Monday again, sigh. Week Five of my fitness journey has begun. Already. Get up lazy bones! Now that the baby is in bed, get up off that couch and get “Extreme Shredding” already!!! I had completed two days of Sally Matterson’s Extreme Shredder program by the time this new week rolled around and was feeling pretty good. And by pretty good I mean completely exhausted, but…well…good. And I thought that I was finally starting to see some results! Hip Hip Hooray! I mean, things still jiggle, but I am pretty sure they are jiggling just a little less than last week. Brilliant. Because I was starting to feel like Homer Simpson, whose belly fat doesn’t stop moving even when he is standing completely still. (more…)

My Fitness Journey, Week Four: The What The Hell Am I Doing Week

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life / / 0 comments

Week Four of my Fitness Journey is done and dusted. Which means, uh oh, coz there are only eight weeks to go now till judgement day. The three weeks that have passed so far have been relatively uneventful in terms of results. I do feel a thousand times better and things do seem to be jiggling slightly less each day, but there is still too much body pudding for my liking. Or the liking of any other human with a set of working eyes to be honest. (more…)

The Fitness Journey, Week Three: Sore, so Sore.

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life / / 0 comments

So, we are now up to week three of my “Fitness Journey”. Weeks one and two sure left something to be desired, and yet I had laughingly high hopes for Week three. Now, I would reeealllllly like to say that I haven’t done anything downright stupid this last week at the gym, except that if I did so I would be completely lying. And those of you who actually know me would instantly know it for a downright lie because I ALWAYS seem to do something stupid at the gym. (more…)

Our first Christmas

Ellyn Shepherd / Baby, Bloggity Blog / / 0 comments

Holy Moly I’m excited. My fingers are kinda trembly, and I feel like I could just BURST because I am so excited. And do you know why I am excited? No, you sigh, and please don’t make me guess. Well, because it was our first Christmas as a family with our sweet baby! Raaaaaarrrrr! Hooray! (more…)

The Fitness Journey, Week Two: The Christmas week.

Ellyn Shepherd / Bloggity Blog, Life / / 0 comments

Well, its safe to say that Week One of my “Fitness Journey” was a bit rubbish. Missed it? Read about it here! Ok, so Week One may have been rubbish, you say. But how did you go on Week Two? Well, to be honest with you, Week Two also started off pretty poorly, but I eventually found my groove so it ended with an absolute BANG! Woohoo! You Go Girlfriend (I creepily whisper to myself as I sit here, typing out my memories from the week that was)!! (more…)


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